The Joburg ‘2040 Growth and Development Strategy’ (GDS) defines the vision of the kind city Johannesburg aspires to be by 2040. Johannesburg will be a resilient, liveable and sustainable city. The housing department has been mandated to ensure that the programmes implemented complement the goals set by the GDS.
One of the key deliverables expected of the department is the development of Sustainable Human Settlements. This is in line with the policies (such as the Breaking New Ground Policy) set out by the National Department of Human Settlements. The department is also expected to contribute towards the realization of sustainable and integrated delivery of water, sanitation, energy and waste; and contribute to climate change.
“A city which is a home for all to stay and grow – where different housing needs are met in sustainable human settlements providing a range of well-located, good quality, adequately serviced, safe and affordable accommodation opportunities.”
To facilitate the delivery, in sustainable human settlements, of safe, affordable, adequately serviced, and well-located housing opportunities through:
• Delivery at scale of adequate housing in sustainable human settlements; • Mobilisation of well-located public land for low income and … Read more